Clean Up Song Nursery Rhymes | Clean Up Song Poem Lyrics

Clean Up Song Nursery Rhymes

Clean up, clean up
We all had fun today
Now it’s time to clean up and
Put everything away!

Over here and over there
Up and down and everywhere
All the toys and games we played
And one big giant mess we made

Clean up, clean up
We all had fun today
Now it’s time to clean up and
Put everything away!

Over here and over there
Up and down and everywhere
There are cars and trucks and boats and trains
And buses and a model plane

Clean up, clean up
We all had fun today
Now it’s time to clean up and
Put everything away!

Over here and over there
Up and down and everywhere
There’s paper, brushes, paints, and glue
And lots of pictures that we drew

Clean up, clean up
We all had fun today
Now it’s time to clean up and
Put everything away!

Over here and over there
Up and down and everywhere
There are shoes and socks and balls and bats
And shirts and capes and silly hats

Clean up, clean up
We all had fun today
Now it’s time to clean up and
Put everything away!

Clean Up Song Lyrics | Clean Up Song Rhymes

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